Android Keyboard Shortcuts

公開 (UL): 2023-01-16
更新 (UD): 2023-01-16
閲覧 (DL): 2025-01-31


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某銀行からの DM が,およそ金融と関係ないもの多数。停止設定後も何ヶ月も配信が続く状況に,倫理意識の社会的低下を感じた話。
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保険会社からのセキュリティガバガバメールが「IT 人材不足」の正体を暴く。

人気記事 Frequent view pages.

現在当サイト人気 No.1!
Android のキーボード・ショートカット一覧 «The list of Android Keyboard Shortcuts (EN ready).»
Android のスマホやタブレットにキーボードをつないだ時に知っていると便利なキー操作。
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CAPTCHA: easy math prob in Japanese

時事川柳 News Senryu

Kick back both party tickets and people's opinions.

参考: 自民県 絶対しないぞ ふるさと税


Having sense of crisis, but nobody takes shelter of 2F.

 大雨などで危機感を持ったら二階のような高い所へ避難すべき的な話を聞いたよーな気がするのだが? パーティー券のノルマ上回り分キックバックの政治資金収支報告書不記載問題で,安倍派は何人も辞任したのに,同じく捜索を受けている二階派に辞任する話があるかというと,今のところ誰もいない。総理は「危機感を持って」とか言っているらしいが,どこが「危機感」なのやら。


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The companies, thanks for many accesses every months! Are the articles I wrote helping for increasing your income? Although, I cannot get even a penny and jobs from that.

 I'm a touch-typer, then I feel bother inputting each letters with a finger touching on virtual-keyboard of smartphone.
  At first, I connected USB keyboard to the smartphone, but it made another problem that cannot type when charging. So at last, I bought a Bluetooth keyboard.
  I've expected almost functions can use from keyboard like Linux or Windows, but it was disappointed. Although connecting keyboard, several operations must touch the smartphone panel. That means I must leave off my hand from the keyboard. Finally, just a little bother.
  Nevertheless, it's pretty good typing with 10 fingers than one. This document introduces the list of the functions assigned key-shortcuts in Android I saw.

● The Legend

● System use

 These key operations are always available.
  I recommend to remember [Win]+[/] key operation that show the list of key shortcuts available. But it doesn't show all of follows.

 I wonder why isn't HOME showed by [Win]+[HOME] operation. And why isn't the list of keyboard shortcuts showed by [F1] like "HELP" with some modifier keys. I cannot understand the design sense of the Google Android developers well.
  In Japan locale mode, HOME operation is described as 自宅 (Jitaku) means "living house", in the list of key-shortcuts. That's true, but I could not get to understand it several hours. So I cannot understand the design sense of the Google Android developers well.

◆ Calling Application

 You probably can use these key operations on any applications. But there are some differences by installed applications, and maybe some other applications can be called.


 These key operations are available on HOME screen. And you can move focus of icons with arrows [↑][↓][←][→] keys.

◆ The icon on HOME and for its application

 These operations are effective for the focused icon.

● On Chrome browser

 General operations.

◆ Page view operations

◆ URLs, locations and links operations

◆ Tab operations

© M.Ishikawa; TREEWARE 2025.